How To Cut Your Holiday Costs
Planning an over the top getaway this summer? Want to make it really big? Well, take a deep breath before making any big decisions. One of the most important things when planning a holiday is to keep track of your vacation budget. You may be surprised about the fact that even though taken separately many things look less expensive, put all together, they can empty your pocket.
Just imagine summing up the costs of the flight tickets, hotel room and eating expenses and you can see what are you most likely to spend your money on. But, if you’re a smart traveler that knows his way around and is extremely careful with his finances, then you won’t see any clouds on your sunny holiday sky.
If you’re planning to travel by car and enjoy a rustic road trip, then you should make sure your car is in proper conditions. The best thing you can do is to exchange your old car if it’s too old and opt for a used cars exchange program.
Before leaving your home you should exchange your money, especially if you’re travelling to a foreign country. Search for the best exchange rate and take as much money as you think you’ll need for the next days. Also, make sure you have a credit card on you, so that you can change money automatically, at a cash machine.
By all means, never leave on a vacation without having a travel insurance. If you’re traveling to Europe, having your European Health Insurance Card with you it’s a must. This card protects you in case of illness or accident and above all, it does it for free. Opt for an insurance travel that covers every bad situation.
If money is quite a big issue, then you can always get a loan by using a used car financing service. There are many specialized companies that have this product and handle your car sale very fast.
Also, book your holiday package with an all-inclusive facility. You’ll save money because you won’t have to spend anything on food, beverages and snacks. Also, watch out for your mobile costs when travelling abroad. Deactivate your 3G service to avoid additional charges and speak to your mobile service provider about different calling option in roaming.
Even though it all seems like a lot of hustle and bustle, keep in mind that it’s all for a good cause: you are going on holidays!