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Questions to consider before the big move

When planning your move to another country, it’s easy to get caught up in the heady excitement of all the choice and possibility. Suddenly places that seemed only a fantasy are very real possibilities as cities you might call home. But slow down before you get caught up in the romance of it. There are

Discovery Panama’s Natural Gifts

The great tropical wilderness that explorers have found in Panama has not changed at all. Although the country is racing towards progress, the natural resources that were once neglected have now become attractive tourist destinations. Almost a third of the country is protected and composed of national parks, indigenous people and other fascinating natural gifts.

On maintaining friendships while roaming the world

Let’s face it – even the truest, strongest friendships undergo some strain when one half of that relationship decides to up and travel the planet for some unspecified amount of time. Even though you make the promises to keep in touch, to update each other all the time, there is inevitably some distance that sets

St. Tropez Luxury

Noted with its breath taking beaches and equally beautiful tourist spots, St. Tropez is just one of the places that you should go when you are on vacation. If the famed and most visited Pampelonne Beach does not appeal to you, you can always visit the less visited and less famous yet equally majestic beaches

Adventure Breaks in the UK

From biking to kayaking, UK can offer you various adventure breaks that you would not want to miss. Whether you are on a tight budget or splurge on extreme adventures, you can surely find a sport that would suit your tastes. Adventure breaks in the UK is just filled with fun and action that would

Philippines and its Unending Beauty

There is no doubt that at one time or another, you have heard about someone you know who went to the Philippines. The truth is that this tropical island is among the favourite holiday destinations for people all over the world. Not only will you not have to worry about your budget but the wonderful

Exploring the Diverse Papua New Guinea

There is one way to describe Papua New Guinea and the perfect word to describe it is diversity. The country has an astounding 700 languages and 600 islands rich with cultural diversity. This phenomenal place has numerous ‘untouched’ sites where tourists can really convene with nature. Not only is the people and culture unique in

Coping with depression on the road

Depression is a taboo subject even for those in Western countries where mental health is becoming a more acceptable topic of discussion and is recognized as a condition for which the sufferer should be supported and treated. However, when you’re far from home, wandering all corners of the world, travel is not a barrier against

Tips for Travelers who go solo

Who says you can only go on holiday with your family or friends? I say-why not go solo! Believe it or not, this is not something ‘new’ and according to the U.S Travel Association in 2009 22.2 million out of 170 million Americans travelled alone. There is really nothing wrong with wanting some solo time

Berlin, a European gem

When it comes to charmed ex-pat destinations, Berlin, Germany, is at the top of the list. Living in Berlin gives you a home base from which to explore the beauty that Europe has to offer. Berlin is notoriously less expensive than other European cities and is full of artistic and historical culture. Creative types will find